Millionaire Mind Intensive Training: Success Breeds Success – One Of The Keys To Success In Life Is To Acknowledge Your Success As It Happens. The More Success You “Feel” In Your Life, The More Success You Will Have To Feel

June 4, 2013 at 11:16 AM

“I play the money game to win. My intention is to create wealth and abundance.”   –  T. Harv Eker    

Hello … 

and welcome to Day 1 of my notes from the Orlando, Florida Millionaire Mind Intensive. 

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a ton of information from this past weekend on how to program your mind for success.   

You can probably imagine that, after 3 solid days of training, there would be a lot of notes.

Right now, I’m going through them …getting everything organized so that I can share the important points with you over the next few days.

The Millionaire Mind Intensive has two main areas of teaching:  how to be successful in life and how to achieve financial freedom.

Today, I’d like to start with

How To Be Successful In Life

t harv eker millionaire mind intensive

“Orlando, Florida Millionaire Mind Intensive”

The lessons taught by Peak Potentials and the Millionaire Mind Intensive are based upon T. Harv Eker’s belief that our inner world creates our outer world.

T. Harv Eker believes that our “outer world” is just a physical manifestation of what is happening in our “inner world”.

We were shown how the amount of success, money, happiness, etc. that we have in our lives are simply the visible results of the invisible activities and beliefs happening inside of each and every one of us.

You are responsible for your success in life

You are responsible for everything that you have in your life right now …your outer world.

And it’s your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs…your inner world …that has brought you to where you are today.

For a lot of people, this can be a difficult concept to accept … 

that you are exactly where you want to be

…or you would change your situation.

T. Harv Eker sums it up in his formula …

Thoughts  >>>  Feelings  >>>  Actions  >>>  Results

“Your thoughts lead to your feelings …which lead to your actions …which lead to your results.”

Now …the good news is, since your inner world is what brought you here …

and you have the power to change your thoughts 

You have the power to change your outer world simply by changing your thoughts and beliefs.

“If you want to change your results, simply change your thoughts.”

During the Millionaire Mind Intensive, the concept of how our invisible activities  (inner world)  produces our visible results  (outer world)  was illustrated through the example of a fruit tree.

Too many times people merely concentrate on the “fruits” that their tree is producing …and complain about them.

“They’re too small.”

“They don’t taste good.”

“There’s not enough of them.” 

In reality, people should look at the “roots” of their tree and the type of nourishment their tree is receiving.

“Is it planted in good soil?”

“Is it receiving the minerals that it needs to grow?”

“Is it being watered correctly?”

“It’s those roots that caused those fruits.”   –  T. Harv Eker

If you want to change the fruits that your tree is producing, you need to put your attention on the roots.

The more you concentrate on taking care of your inner world …your “roots” …the faster you will see new and better results …your “fruits”.

One of the ways we worked on this at the Millionaire Mind Intensive was learning to acknowledge the success you already have in your life.

Acknowledge Your Success In Life

“the more you feel successful, the more success will come your way”

Borrowing from the Law of Attraction where ”like attracts like”, we were shown how success attracts success.

Success actually breeds success.

The more success you feel that you have in your life, the more success you will have to feel.

Using T. Harv Eker’s formula from above …

The more you think and “feel” successful …the more you will act successful …which will produce more successful results.

This cycle of success will build upon itself.

But, it won’t happen by itself.

You cannot feel successful if you do not realize how successful you already are.

Not realizing that you are already succeeding in various areas of your life will continue your feelings of being unsuccessful.

You need to look for and acknowledge your successes.

These can be major or minor.

It doesn’t matter how big (or small) of a success you just had.

What really matters is that you acknowledge yourself for whatever it was that you just did.

This will get your success cycle started.

Soon, your successes will be building on each other

And you’ll be on your way to living the life of your dreams!

To your success,



P. S.  If you would like to discover more Law of Attraction tips that will show you how to become successful in life, check out this report.


P. S. S.   A quick message to our future enlightened warrior, Janet from Ft. Lauderdale …”Hi, Janet.  I just wanted you to know that, with your energy level, I have no doubt that you’ll do great!”