Does Your Life Feel Like You’re In A Game Of Tetris?

April 22, 2014 at 12:13 PM

One of the keys to success with affiliate marketing programs is to stay focused. 

I’m not telling you anything new…

you already know that staying focused is the key to success in anything you do.

So, why do you find it hard to stick to your plan?

Why do you find yourself “off track”?

Does it seem sometimes that your life is like a game of Tetris with more and more things coming at you…

keeping you from getting everything “lined up” for your online success?

Well …there’s a reason for it.

It’s because of all the constant distractions coming at you that you need to block out.

I was just checking a few sites that list upcoming product launches …and found hundreds of launches that will be “coming to an Inbox near you” in the next couple of months. 

Just what you need, right? 

More emails promoting the next shiny object …even though you can clearly see it only benefits the marketer, not you.

In addition to emails, your day is filled with
Facebook posts and updates…
Blog Posts…
New books…
New podcasts…
and a million other things!

It’s like the game Tetris where all this stuff keeps coming down, non-stop, and you’re stuck scrambling, trying to fit all the pieces into your day as they keep coming in.

And, if you are doing this, you’ll likely wake up one morning and realize you didn’t really get anything done at all that you set out to.

The noise …the distractions …this game of online Tetris …destroyed all of that for you  –  it destroyed your chances of success.

The Cure?

Stop playing the game!


Clear your slate and don’t let yourself get distracted by all the noise.

You’ll feel way better and you’ll have so much more clarity when you decide enough is enough!

Think of it this way.  If you literally wanted to play Tetris, Angry Birds, Call of Duty, or whatever, you know you can’t play it all day long …or you would end up homeless, unhappy, and unfulfilled.

So, you probably only play your games during a set time during the day …maybe an hour before you go to bed, on your lunch break, or umm… while you’re taking care of business.  😉

Anyhow, you want to treat your email and other distractions the same way.

Do not, I repeat DO NOT start your day by going to your email, checking facebook, catching up on blog posts, or any of that.

And, most definitely, don’t do it throughout the day either.   (That puts you right back in the Tetris cycle).

Instead, set a Specific Time in the afternoon (or at night after work) to do this.

You’ll get massive clarity …and be able to shave 2-6 hours off of your daily “activities” …by checking out all of this stuff in one 30-60 minute period of time.

Seriously, it’s crazy how powerful this is.

It’s game-changer stuff.

Simply lump all of these activities together, and then go through them at a specific time each day.

The next thing you need to know is what to do with all this extra time and clarity on your hands each day…

Well, how about building a real business that works?  

With clarity and time now on your hands, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and start getting some serious results.

This system is the most powerful way for you to have online success. 

You get a proven system, a success coach, a team to support you, and the opportunity to earn high ticket commissions.

Yep.  You don’t get just the typical $17 – $97 commissions that most opportunities pay.

We share the big stuff with you …to the tune of $500, $1000, and $3000 commissions.

Check it out here.

To your success,



P.S.  Reread this email, let it sink in, and then let’s get you profitable and productive so you can start achieving all of your goals and dreams, ok?

And again, it’s super important that you don’t just implement this strategy of clearing your slate and freeing up your time each day …because if you don’t have something important to fill in that free time …if you don’t know step by step what to do every day …you’ll just go back to the old way of things again.

I don’t want that for you.  You need to stay focused for success with your affiliate marketing programs.

That’s where this comes in!