(Hurry!) Confirm Your 100% FREE iPAS 2 Account!

January 26, 2014 at 1:16 PM

Last night, we threw the party of the year at the Marlins Stadium  (in Miami)  for the pre-launch of the new iPAS 2 Marketing System with over 1500 attendees …and we just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who helped make it a HUGE success! 

This post will be short and sweet because I have nothing to sell …but everything to give …at NO charge. 

iPAS 2 is the most anticipated system in the work from home arena. 

The reason? 

It’s simple.  People have seen the power of this system  –  the ability to actually make money online …for many, for the very first time.

The iPAS 2 Marketing System actually leverages REAL systems and REAL people who excel at building your business… 

for YOU.

Something no other system does!

Traffic masters to drive traffic …for you.

Sales people to follow up and close your leads …for you.

And guess what?

You get the money.

Right now, during preregistration, as we roll out iPAS 2 …the bigger, better, badder, more money version of iPAS …you can get an account set up at no charge.


Once the programmers are done, we go in full launch mode, which means full price mode.  😉

Get your account set up right now, right here:

iPAS 2 Empower Network Prosperity Team Your iPAS 2 Marketing System

And get on the inside of what will be responsible for creating easier, bigger, and faster success than any other work from home system.


See you at the top,



P.S.  I’m not sure if registration will be live for 2 days or two weeks  –  it’s all in the programmers hands.  But I can assure you of this:  right now, at this very moment, you can create an account at no charge.  So, go ahead and take advantage of this rare opportunity right now, before it’s too late:

Get your free iPAS 2 Account HERE

P.P.S.   I know …we’ve all seen the hype of systems that never perform.  But when have you had a dedicated person drive your traffic and your own professional sales assistant close your sales?

Probably never.

We need your success to make this launch a success.  You won’t know what you’re missing until you see all the success stories and your name not in there.  DON’T let that happen.  Experience the full power of what we’ve got and register now without spending a dime:

Your iPAS 2 Marketing System

Nothing to lose …so much to gain!