Keys To Success: Empower Network Co-Founders Share Their Tips To Having More Success In Life In 2013

January 24, 2013 at 9:15 PM

Last night, Empower Network held a LiveStream hangout where both of the co-founders, Dave Sharpe and Dave Wood, shared their keys to success for the upcoming year.

Over 1,600 people were glued to their computer as they were taken behind the scenes and shown how to start making money online


This LiveStream has success secrets that most leaders WON’T reveal to their teams.


Because most gurus don’t want you to be Empowered.

They’re scared.

They’re afraid that, if you know what you’ll learn in this LiveStream, you’ll pass them up …or start making more money than they do …or steal their thunder.

But, that’s not how it is with the Empower Network.

Both Daves actually want you to make more money than they do.

They want you to be free.

That’s why you should listen to this entire call.

This is the TRUTH …about life and making a ton of money online.

Watch it here. the Empower Network LiveStream

The “Daves” had just returned from the Austin event over the weekend where it was standing room only.

4000 people were everywhere

…standing in the aisles and even sitting on the floor

…for 3 days!

It was incredible!!

They wanted to do this LiveStream to give you a game plan leading up to the next event in Chicago.

Empower Network Co-Founder Dave Sharpe Shares His Keys To Success

Dave Sharpe started off the call by talking about the actions that many people have taken for the new year.

“It’s the beginning of 2013 …and a lot of you have made resolutions to have a better year …to be a better you …and have more success in life.

A lot of you have also made reservations to be doing the same thing in 2014 that you are doing right now.

You may not realize it …but that’s what you have done …and are doing.

Unconsciously you have made the decision to be the same next year.

Some of you don’t realize that you’ve been keeping yourself in a box …that has basically been a vicious cycle for you over the past few years.”

the Empower Network LiveStream

Dave Sharpe then told us about his background …to let us know that he’s very aware of how making these reservations can keep you in a rut …because he personally experienced it.

As he put it, he had “the mentality of a broke person …and the bank account of one, too.”

(Actually, he didn’t even have a bank account!)

Dave Sharpe’s life changed when he made the decision to get involved with something that was outside of his comfort zone.

Once he made the decision to get out of his rut, he started having success in life for the very first time.

Empower Network Co-Founder David Wood Shares His Keys To Success

Dave Wood then came on the LiveStream and shared some self-improvement tips for having more success in life …both personally and financially.

I know that you may have heard all of these self-improvement tips and ideas before …but, today, you need to actually HEAR them.

A lot of people don’t know what they want …because their past keeps getting in their way.

Their past continues to influence their decisions.

When you let go of what you think that you know, then the answers will come.

This video is UNREAL …watch it now.

David Wood Empower Network

Dave wants you to know

“you are more than you think you are”

There are a lot of people out there trying to follow the dream …but living the nightmare.

Trying to get ahead …doing the things they’ve been told to do.

Without any success or rewards for their efforts.

Dave Wood tells how one day, while listening to an audio program, he had the realization that changed his life.

He had heard many times about being responsible for your own success in life.

But that day …because of the audio …he realized that, not only was he responsible for his own success, he was also responsible for his own failures as well.

Dave Wood realized that the problem was not the business he was in.

The problem was not the things that he had been taught.

The problem was not his fear of association

…or any of the other excuses he used to give.

He realized that the problem …and the solution …was himself and making the right decisions.

So he made the decision to take control of his life.

To control his own outcome.

To take the necessary actions.

To get the results and the success that he wanted.

Dave Wood gave his personal key to success …the one self-improvement tip that he considers to be the most important reason for his success.

Watch the video to hear it.

The Empower Network Is Your Key To Success In 2013

I don’t know where you’re at …where you’ve been …or where you want to go.

I don’t know if your goals are huge …or if you just want to make an extra $1000 per month.

Whatever your goals are, Empower Network can help.

I just want to let you know that, if where you are now is not where you want to be next month, you need to click the button below and get started on your new life.

If you have made “the reservation” to be in the same place in 2014 as you are now …cancel it!

Make the decision to get started with us …

Right here.

Right now.

HIT the button.

You’ll be glad you did!

Get Success In Life