Steps To Success: Learn How To Use The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind To Get Rid Of The Bad Habits That Are Robbing You Of The Success In Life You Deserve

December 4, 2013 at 11:26 AM

We’ve all heard the expression, “change your habits and you can change your life”. 

All you have to do is get rid of the negative habits, replace them with positive habits, and you can begin living the life of your dreams. 

Easier said than done. 

I know …I’ve been there. 

But once I changed my negative habits to positive ones, everything changed for me. 

The key to successfully replacing bad habits with good ones is using your subconscious mind.

This is one of the steps to success that Karim Hajee teaches in his Creating Inner Power seminars.

Did you have a chance to watch his latest webinar over the weekend?

If not, the replay will be available for the next few days.

Today, I’d like to share another one of Karim’s lessons with you …

“Are Your Habits Helping You …Or Hurting You?” 

You have habits that you follow every day and, in most cases, you’re not even aware of them.

They’re planted on your subconscious mind and you automatically do things every day without even realizing it.

You have habits that work for you and you have habits that work against you.

In his seminars, Karim shows you how to create powerful, positive habits that work for you, so that you enjoy success and happiness throughout your life.

How To Create Positive Habits 

Your habits can lead you to tremendous success or they can lead you massive and repetitive failures.

That’s right …your habits can determine just how your life turns out.

Think about it.

If you smoke, that’s a habit, one that will kill you  –  that’s a massive failure in any book.

If you have a habit of eating junk food you’ll likely gain weight, and destroy your health  –  another failure.

If you have a habit for exercising, you’ll likely be in shape and be healthy  –  that’s a success from a good habit.

So, again, you have two kinds of habits:  those that work for you and allow you to be successful and those that work against you and lead to failure after failure.

If you really want to be successful, you need to take a hard look at your habits …and determine which of them will allow you to be successful and which ones will lead to failure.

For example:  if you have a habit of procrastinating and putting things off, that’s a habit working against you.  It doesn’t lead to success and, instead, it guarantees failure …every time.

Once you recognize which habits work for you and which habits work against what you want, you can begin changing them.


It’s really quite simple.

Your thoughts lead to a belief.

That belief leads to an action.

When you do the same actions over and over again, you create a habit …and that habit determines if you will succeed or fail.

To get rid of your bad habits and create new habits for success, start creating thoughts and beliefs that lead to habits that allow you to succeed and enjoy life.

Saying you’ll do something tomorrow leads to the belief that you can do it tomorrow …which creates the habit of putting things off until tomorrow, but tomorrow often never comes.  And so you never get started, you never succeed, and you fail again.

Change your thought to: “I’m doing it now” and you start to create a belief that you can do things now …which then creates a habit that makes you do things right away.

Get the idea? 

Start creating thoughts that lead to beliefs that lead to the habits you want to form.

Once these new thoughts, habits, and beliefs are planted on your subconscious mind

     You’ll get what you want.

     You’ll make more money

     You’ll make the right choices

     You’ll meet the right people

     Your relationships will get better

     You’ll be healthy, and lose weight 

You’ll have powerful habits that work for you.

Positive Habits Lead To Success 

I recently had lunch with an old friend, who years ago set out to start his own clothing company.

Today he owns more than a dozen stores across the country.  It’s a multimillion dollar business and he’s reaping the rewards of his positive habits.

I remember him telling me: “I always believed that I could create a successful business …but I had to get into the habit of believing and working like a successful person.  I had to change the way I did things because my old habits weren’t helping me.”  (When we first met years ago my friend used to smoke a pack a day, eat junk food, and spend much of his time sleeping or doing nothing.)

“It’s all in your head.” He said.

Of course I agreed, because the same principles he used to become successful in life also worked for me and continue to work for me.

Today, my friend has kicked the smoking habit, eats only healthy food  (he opted for the soup and salad combo during our lunch)  and wakes up at 5:30 AM every day.

How did my friend do this?

     He eliminated habits that didn’t work for him.

     He created habits that do work for him.

     He created a belief system that allowed him to create the habits that worked for him.

If your habits aren’t working for you then you need to change them.


When you feel like following a habit that doesn’t work for you, think about what you really want in your life.

Then think of what habit will work for you.

Once you’ve done that …continue thinking about achieving what you want and about doing what needs to be done.

Continue following the habits that will allow you to be successful. 

Then you’ll begin to create a belief system that will lead to new habits of success, such as:

  * Do things right away

  * Start your day early

  * Exercise

  * Listen to people

  * Be open minded

  * Be Tolerant

  * Be Understanding

  * Take time to think things through

  * Consider all options

  * Eat healthy

Now begin creating thoughts that allow you to create beliefs that lead to habits that lead to success.

Habits are incredibly powerful and will shape your life.

Look at the people that you feel are successful and then observe their habits  –  you’ll find they have habits that allow them to be successful.

You can have the same success.

Start creating positive habits for success today.  Change or eliminate those negative habits that are holding you back.

   – Don’t let negative, defeating habits destroy your life.

   – Don’t let negative, defeating thoughts destroy your life.

   – Create a belief system that allows you to be successful, happy, and enjoy life.

Create positive habits for success.

You can have what you want.

You are a powerful person.

You can achieve whatever you want.

Create the habits that allow you to succeed, and you’ll put an end to the failures.  You’ll get your subconscious mind and inner powers working for you.

Click Here to start working with the power of your subconscious mind!

Wishing you continued success.

   – Doug


P.S.   Remember if you don’t do anything …if you don’t change the way your mind works and direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want …everything stays the same and nothing changes.

This is your life!

Make the most of it.

Begin working with the power of your subconscious mind – develop your inner power …and use it to live the life of your dreams!