Paid Marketing or Free Marketing… What’s Better?

March 29, 2014 at 9:57 AM

Good morning. 

When people are ready to begin promoting their business online, the question that’s always asked is whether it’s better to start out doing free marketing or paid marketing. 

The answer is …well …it depends. 

Now, this probably isn’t the answer most people want to hear …but it really does depend on the program or product you are promoting. 

Free marketing techniques such as making youtube videos, posting on facebook, or sending offers to an email list can be used for most programs.

And, while it is possible to get 30 – 50 leads per day and build your income up to a few thousand dollars per month using free marketing, it may take you as long as a year to get close to that level.

Paid marketing on the other hand can get you instant traffic, hundreds of leads per day, and be “scaled” up to a very large monthly income.

Paid advertising is the fastest way to making money on the internet.

But …paying for advertising without having a key item in your sales funnel is also the fastest way to go broke.

To give you some insight on what you should be doing, I would like to share a great new video from one of our team leaders, Mike Hobbs.

Watch the video and learn the number one factor that will determine whether you should pay for your advertising 

…or continue to do free type of marketing.

What’s Better …Paid Marketing or Free Marketing?



>>    Discover The Internet Traffic Formula Here    <<

If you want to build a serious business online, you need to know about traffic and how to collect leads to build your business.

The Internet Traffic Formula is a very serious product that will help you succeed with both.

I suggest you watch today’s video if you want to avoid wasting A LOT of money!

Talk soon.



P.S.   Check out Mike’s number 1 recommended sales funnel …with the key ingredient already built in for you …and Learn Paid Marketing from the best here.