Increase Website Traffic With 2.0 Marketing – Learn How To Generate Traffic To Your Websites Or Affiliate Marketing Programs Using A Facebook “Like” Button On Your Site Plus Discover A Viral Traffic System Ready For You To Use

June 17, 2013 at 11:57 AM

Welcome back. 

I have another traffic lesson for you today …but, first, a real quick comment about yesterday. 

I hope it was a very happy father’s day for you 

…that you had fun with your family 

…that you enjoyed your kids 

…and that they enjoyed you! 

Remember that one of the best ways to really show your kids that you love them is to play with them. 

In addition to being a great way to share your life together, playing with your kids is also an important part of raising successful children.

Being able to spend quality time with my family is the reason I became involved with internet marketing

it’s my “why”

…the thing that keeps me going through all the ups and downs.

The reason I’m sharing these traffic posts with you is to help you have more success with your business

…so that you can enjoy your “why”, whatever it may be.

Whatever it is, keep it in the front of your mind while you are building your business …to keep yourself motivated.

Okay, on to our traffic lesson.

Today’s tip is how to get more traffic to your affiliate marketing blog or website with 2.0 marketing.

One way to increase website traffic through social media is by using the Facebook like button.

How to Get Website Traffic Using A Facebook “Like” Button On Your Site

In the age of Web 2.0, driving traffic to your website is not all about search engine optimization (SEO).

how to increase website traffic facebook like button

“another missing piece to your traffic puzzle”

Part and parcel of an effective Internet marketing strategy is to ensure that your website is also present in the realm of social networks and media sharing.

Visitors don’t arrive at websites only through search results, but also through links that their peers share through these social networks.

These links are a great way of receiving free website traffic.

And what social networking platform could be more important for us to look at than Facebook, the world’s largest?

With over 800 million active users, your website stands to reach a wide variety of audience through Facebook, and sometimes all it takes is one “Like” button on your webpages.

How Does Using A Facebook “Like” Button Increase Your Website Traffic?

Studies have shown that you can easily generate extra traffic to your websites by simply placing a “Like” button on your webpages, articles, and blogs 

A Facebook “Like” button is a stamp of approval that visitors may click when they literally like the content of your website or blog. 

Experience with video-sharing site YouTube indicates that visitors prefer a like-dislike system instead of a rating system when expressing approval or disapproval for content.

Facebook modified this model and only has “Like” buttons that third-party content may use in their customized pages.

What makes the “Like” button extra special for Internet marketers is its content sharing component.

Visitors who click the “Like” button automatically share the links to their Facebook profiles, which can, in turn, be viewed by people in their respective networks.

This gives you the opportunity to receive highly targeted website traffic.

If your content is good enough, the Facebook “Like” button serves as a form of endorsement by the people that your potential visitors trust the most …their personal contacts.

This is how viral blog posts and videos are created.

When putting Facebook “Like” buttons in your website or your blog posts, remember to put it in two positions: at the top (the beginning) and the foot (the end) of a webpage or a blog post.

SEO should still be of high importance, but you will never go wrong with a few Facebook links here and there.

If your website content is interesting

…something that your visitors would like to see

…then they will definitely let their friends know about it.

With the now-familiar appearance of the “Like” button, approval and sharing of your website is only a click away!

Want to know more about how to set up your own website or blog …and how to make it interesting?

GO HERE to learn about a completely done for you viral blogging system ready for you to use.

Talk with you soon.
