Increase Website Traffic With Blogging: How To Generate Traffic Using Blogger – Learn How To Get Blog Traffic To Promote Your Websites Or Affiliate Marketing Programs

July 3, 2013 at 10:39 AM

Welcome back. 

In today’s post, I have a couple of blogging tips for you that will generate website traffic to your affiliate marketing programs and offers. 

But, first, I wanted to wish you an early Happy 4th of July!! 

Do you have any big plans for the 4th of July weekend? 

As for me, I’m getting ready to head out to Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort for the 2013 US Open ISKA World Karate Championship 

That’s one of the great things about having an online business – once you have it set up, you can take off for a few days and enjoy some quality time with friends and family. 

The US Open is considered to be the largest open martial arts tournament in the world and is recognized nationally as one of the premiere events in sport karate. 

It’s also one of the most popular North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) martial arts tournaments in the country.

us open martial arts tournament coronado springs resort Today, I received my confirmation email …along with tips and reminders on how to get the most out of the weekend.

I am ready!!

Now keep in mind, I’m not telling you about my trip to impress you.

I’m doing it to impress upon you what is possible when your online business is successful.

In my blog posts, I not only want to show you the steps to success …but also to let you see what the results can mean to your life.

Going away for a weekend to do something that you really enjoy is a great example.

For me, that was (is) the idea behind wanting to have a successful online business …

to have your business give you the financial success and freedom that will let you live the life of your dreams.


Good …back to our traffic lesson.

How To Generate Traffic Using Blogger

When building your own websites or blogs, one helpful tool that can help your site succeed is learning how to generate traffic using Blogger.

No matter how interesting your own website or blog may be, if no one visits it you are guaranteed to make no income from your ads or affiliate programs.

We know that SEO and keyword research is an essential part of any successful blog.

You want to make sure that you are using the proper keywords and phrases that will get your site ranked high in Google when someone types in a specific search term. 

Aside from SEO, however, you can get traffic to your website in many other ways   –   one of the best methods is by using Blogger.

Blogger, also referred to as blogspot, offers free blogs that can be built in minutes and carry the benefit of ranking quite highly in Google.

Though quite simplistic in features, you can still make a very nice looking blog using Blogger.

You can even monetize your new blog with Adsense and other affiliate programs …so it not only helps to generate website traffic, it can also be another successful revenue source.

With Blogger, the url you choose will have attached to the end.  

You do have the option to purchase a domain name, which will eliminate the “” portion of the url and give your blog a more professional appearance.

Because Blogger ranks so quickly in Google, it can be used as a tool to point targeted traffic to your main website or blog, instead of waiting for your site to mature on its own …which can take a long time. 

Though people use Blogger in many ways, the key is to build Blogger blogs in your niche, so that visitors have a reason to click through the links, which will send them to your main blog.

For example, if you have a main blog about auto parts, which you are trying to generate traffic for, you can build a free Blogger blog very quickly that is just about car batteries or floor mats, then put in links to your main site.

One word of warning, however, is that Blogger does not like “pop up” blogs that are all pointing to the same url, so be sure to have links to other useful articles and posts that you’ve written on other sites, like Squidoo or Hubpages and other interesting, relevant material on the web.

Also, Blogger has been known to shut down blogs that they feel are spammy.  Because they are offering you a free blog, they have every right to do so, so be sure to produce quality when building a Blogger blog.

Using Blogger to help promote your offers is one of the best low cost ways you can use to start driving traffic to your website. 

Remember that more website traffic means more visitors. 

More visitors mean more sales and profits for your online business.

A more profitable online business will give you the time and money to be able to take multiple vacations every year

…or the ability to do whatever you want.

For me, that means a 4th of July weekend spent at Disney enjoying the US Open.

It’s rough …but someone’s got to do it.   😉

Next week, we’ll talk more about how to drive traffic to your websites.

Until then, put into action the traffic tips that I’ve already shared with you.

Take another look at my posts on using a blog for traffic, how to get blog traffic, and how to write an interesting blog post.

Use these blogging tips to begin driving more traffic to your website …today.

Enjoy your weekend!



P.S.   Not only is blogging a great way to increase website traffic, it can also be a lot of fun.  Want to know more about how to set up your own website or blog …and how to make it interesting?

GO HERE to learn about a completely done for you viral blogging system all set up and ready for you to use.