Increase Website Traffic With Blogging – Learn How To Get Blog Traffic To Promote Your Websites Or Affiliate Marketing Programs Plus Discover A Viral Blogging System Ready For You To Use

June 11, 2013 at 11:37 AM

Welcome back. 

I have another traffic post for you today …but, first, a real quick comment about the weekend. 

Sunday was National Kids Day. 

Did you have fun with your kids? 

Did you do anything special? 

Did you play with your kids?

After a really nice 97-minute phone call with my daughter in L.A., I headed over to Sea World Orlando to visit with Franklin ….

raising successful children and happy kids

“dancing with Franklin the turtle at Sea World Orlando”

I know I’ve said it before …but I have to say it again

There’s nothing like watching a group of happy kids having fun!

I was thinking about how much I enjoyed myself on Sunday …and it made me wonder.

Why is this only a day?

Enjoying your kids and playing with them deserves far more than just one day.

Make every day National Kids Day in your home.

Remember …one of the keys to raising successful children is to play with your kids …to let them know that you love them and feel that they are important

Your children will remember the fun times they had with you

…for the rest of their lives.

 Give them the happy childhood that they deserve!

goal setting for kids

“time to play”

Okay …back to our traffic lesson.

Today’s topic is how to get more traffic to your affiliate marketing blog or website.

One way is by writing blog posts about subjects that you care about and want to share with others.

Hmmmm …like I just did here.   

   raising successful children

How to Generate Traffic Using a Blog 

I am sure by now you’ve found out that there are a lot of different things you can do to generate traffic on the internet.

Some take a long time for you to see traffic …while others can give you instant traffic.

Some are free …while others can be very expensive.

Some can be set up very quickly …while others can take a lot of time.

I have found that one of the best things you can do for your business to generate traffic is to start a blog.

A blog is a great way to get traffic because you can use a variety of different methods to promote it.

How To Get Blog Traffic

You can use SEO (search engine optimization) for each blog post which will help you build traffic over time.

If you’re using something like WordPress for your blog, you’ll be able use a variety of search engine plug-ins that will help you with doing SEO correctly.

This takes a lot of the technicality out of getting good rankings for your websites.

Another great thing about a blog is that you can focus solely on creating great content without having to worry about getting top search engine rankings.

If you create useful content, people will start linking to your blog.

You’ll start receiving visitors from other trusted websites.

When people link to your blog it’s like they’re giving you a vote of confidence.

They’re telling their readers that you have a good website that will provide them with awesome content.

Because of this “vote of confidence” to their readers, you’ll already have trust in their eyes.

This is different from traffic you receive from a search engine where you’ll have to build the trust yourself

Blogs are interactive so people love them.

You’ll be able to read the comments on your blog and respond accordingly …which is another great way to build trust with your visitors.

Another positive item about blogs is a thing called an “RSS Feed“.

A RSS feed makes it possible for your content to get syndicated by other websites.

The RSS feed will pick up the headlines of your posts and people will decide whether or not to visit your blog depending on how interested they are in what you’re offering.

This is one of the reasons why it’s important to have interesting headlines for your blog post.

If you have been looking at starting a blog, now you know the reasons why it makes sense.

Having a blog will benefit your business.

You’ll get traffic.

You’ll build trust.

You’ll build relationships.

People will actually look at your website and offers.

In the end you’ll make a lot more money.

Want to know more about starting your own blog?

GO HERE to learn about a completely done for you viral blogging system ready for you to use.

Talk with you soon.
