Don’t Have Time For A Successful Online Business? That’s …um …“Interesting”

March 11, 2014 at 9:36 AM

Many people say they want to make money online, have a successful mlm network marketing organization, or make money blogging. 

They tell us that they are serious …and are willing to do whatever it takes to have success. 

So we share a proven success system with them …

We show them the steps to success to take ….

and offer our time and resources to help them succeed.

They now have everything needed to achieve success.

What happens next?

After a few days or weeks of not getting started, we soon hear

“I don’t have the time.  I’m just too busy.” 


Let me share with you a quick story….

When I first went online, it was early 2007 and I had just returned from Katrina Relief Duty in New Orleans.

After being away for 16 months, I returned home to find that the job market in Orlando had drastically changed.  The companies and positions that I had worked in for over 10 years no longer existed. 

However, my “bills” didn’t seem to care about that  –  they only wanted to be paid.

I had to find a job …fast …so I accepted a position working in a call center helping people book vacations to Orlando.

The pay was only $8.50 per hour, with the promise of commissions and bonuses that would get my income back to where it was needed.

It sounded good …but there were two problems:

First, the skills and ability required to make enough bookings to receive half-way decent commissions would take time to learn.

Second, it would take time for me to receive the commissions on my sales  (since they were based on the people actually traveling).

I didn’t have the “luxury” of time  –  the landlord, electric, water, phone, internet, credit cards, etc. wanted to be paid now …not months from now. 

So …a few days later I took on a second job working in a warehouse for $9 an hour.

Having the two jobs gave me the income to pay my bills, but took away all my time.

Talk about being busy!

I know what it’s like to be busy.

My “normal” day was waking up at 3:15 AM …going to the warehouse and unloading tractor trailers full of building supplies from 4:00 AM to noon …then going to a gym to shower, shave, change clothes, and grab something to eat before going to job #2 …where, from 2:00 to 9:00 PM, I would make hundreds of phone calls …looking for those 5 or 6 families that were ready to travel.

I would get home around 10 at night, utterly exhausted …both physically and mentally …and collapse into bed, only to get up at 3:15 to do it all over again the next day.

From the very beginning, when I woke up every morning aching with fatigue, I knew that something had to happen soon …because I wasn’t going to be able to keep working like that for very long.

Despite all my feelings that someone out there should have felt sorry for me and given me a break somehow

Despite my wishes that cash would fall from the sky so I didn’t have to work two jobs just to pay my bills…

Despite the fact that I was just way too busy and way too tired to do anything more than what I was doing

I knew one thing for sure:

If I didn’t make a BIG change, I was going to be stuck in that routine until I “burned out” and destroyed my health and mental well-being.

And that scared the Hell out of me!

I faced the truth of my situation and realized that I was the only one who was going to do something about it.

So …on the weekends, when I should have been sleeping, I started working online with various affiliate marketing programs to create another source of income  –  that would pay me 24 / 7.

Was it easy?


Did I lose sleep?


Did I get headaches?


Did I get frustrated?

I literally threw all my file folders across the room one night after trying unsuccessfully for hours to add a simple affiliate link to the banners on one of my sites.

Did I make it?


After a few weeks, affiliate sales started coming in on a regular basis …and my PayPal account began to grow.

Now, I’m not going to say that I “instantly” replaced the income from my jobs …but, I could see that putting more time into the business would obviously create more sales.

I was able to go part-time at the warehouse, which gave me more time to work on the business

…and get more rest

…which also helped me to be sharper in the sales position.

After a few more weeks, I was able to quit the warehouse job completely …which gave me even more time for my online business …along with more rest and relaxation.

Fast forward to today …

It’s a totally different life.

It’s about 10,000 times better.

But it would have been so EASY to just say “I’m too busy to learn about that” …or “I just don’t have the time to watch that training video” …or write an article …or publish a blog post …or etc.

It’s really easy to make excuses.

Especially when they don’t seem like “excuses” because you are already working so hard.

It seems like you don’t have a choice so the “excuses” seem real, don’t they? 

Well, fortunately, you always have a choice.

You can choose to stay “too busy” and to keep running on that treadmill for the rest of your life, or…

You can do something about it.

I know what I chose to do.

Only you can choose what’s right for you.

After all, with the systems we have in place for you, all you have to do now is learn how to drive traffic.  That doesn’t even take that long and we can do the rest for you.

If you really want to get a good understanding of how you can make it easier on yourself, you need to find the time to sit in on our Team Strategy Session here.

No one else is doing what we’re doing.

And it’s so much easier now than it was when I first got started.

But it’s still going to take work and dedication along with a willingness to do something about your situation  –  without that, there isn’t anything that can be done for you.

See our strategy here.

Talk soon.



P.S.   Sorry for all of the “I”s but I wanted to share my story with you so that you know where I’m coming from.  I want to help you with my knowledge, experience, and resources so that you can be successful without having to go through everything I did.

Take the time now to learn how you can finally make money online!