Getting Traffic And Leads For Your Online Business Is So Easy It’s Stupid

February 26, 2014 at 1:41 PM

Yes, that’s right …

Getting traffic to your website is easy. 

It’s not really all that hard. 

It’s actually “dummy” easy and anyone with a brain that hasn’t been severely damaged can get tons and tons of traffic easily. 

You can actually go out right now starting with NO list at all, from scratch, and add 100 to 300 new subscribers in the next 4 or 5 hours without any trouble at all. 

Traffic is EASY to get. 

If you think it’s hard, you’re wrong …it’s not.

Which brings up the question …

“Well, then why am I having such a hard time making money?”

Because your business model is terrible and it doesn’t work …or you’re hoping that the sales and money are going to come in BEFORE you drive a ton of traffic  (which is not going to happen).

You think you can’t get traffic but the truth is that you just can’t afford to get targeted traffic because your business doesn’t generate enough income to pay for the ads.

What you think is a “Traffic Problem” isn’t a traffic problem.

It’s a “My-Business-Model-Doesn’t-Pay-Enough” Problem.

And I promise you that is the problem for most online marketers.

While some marketers are just lazy and don’t take any action at all, I’m assuming you are smart enough to realize that that is a different issue.

For those internet marketers who are struggling and spending money, and struggling some more, and staying up all night trying to search for solutions and who keep jumping from one program to another because they think that will help…

They have a business model problem, not a traffic problem.

It’s kind of like someone who has no energy because they only sleep 3 hours each night and don’t eat anything but potato chips and french fries …and, now, they are gulping coffee all day long because they are “tired”. 

So whenever they get “tired”, they grab some more coffee.

Do you see this?

The “reason” they are tired is because they haven’t had enough coffee!!


The solution is more rest and better nutrition …but they prefer to keep pounding down the coffee as if that’s going to fix it.

Same deal with the Traffic versus Business Model problem.

People keep worrying about generating more website traffic as if that is going to fix their business model problem.

It’s not.

Stop it.

Click here and learn a little sumthin’.

Talk soon.



P.S.   One of the keys to success with making money online is to use a proven system that will take your traffic and turn it into customers.

Check out your “already proven to be successful” business model HERE.   >>>