Keys To Success: How To Go From “Crabs In A Bucket” To Designer Mansions

March 20, 2014 at 1:04 PM

Are you currently building a second income for yourself with an affiliate marketing program

If you are, let me ask you a question…

Have you ever wondered why all of your close friends and family didn’t jump behind you when you announced what you were going to do?” 

Think about it…

These are the people that should be excited that you’ve made a decision to improve your life, right?

…so where’s the support? 

Well, here’s kind of an interesting  (yet disturbing)  story from one of our team leaders, Jon….

Recently, he arrived in Miami for a leaders retreat where he and a dozen other top income earners in our company met to mastermind.

His “offices” for the weekend included a first class 5 star hotel, a luxury yacht, and a designer mansion.

But let me tell you …it wasn’t always like this for him. 

In fact, there have been quite a few obstacles along the way. 

One that I can relate with  –  earlier this week, we received an email from a concerned team member who was having trouble coping with unsupportive loved ones who felt she was wasting her time “messing around with all this internet stuff.”

Her concerns brought to mind a story that I once heard about 20 crabs in a bucket, also known as “crab mentality.” 

This way of thinking is best described by the phrase “if I can’t have it …then neither can you.”

Empower Network affiliate marketing program The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs.

Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot

but, instead, they grab at each other in a useless “king of the hill” competition

…which prevents any of them from escaping

…and ensures their collective demise.

The analogy in human behavior is that members of a group will attempt to “pull down” any member who achieves success beyond the others …either out of envy or competitive feelings.

Many times, those who are pulling us down don’t even realize the reasons for their actions.

Unfortunately, many of our friends and family members have been conditioned throughout their life to believe that playing it safe, and getting a dreadfully boring J.O.B. is the only way to success.

Yet even a 14-year-old child can see the clear benefits of owning your own business rather than building someone else’s empire via working at a job.

I’ll be honest with you …my first 6 months in this business were pretty rough.  I was laughed at, humiliated, and there were plenty of times that I felt like giving up as a result of the “crabs” trying to pull me down.

It was in these tough times that I had a decision to make  –  I could give up and settle for mediocrity …or continue to fight my way out of the pot.

>>   Check out our post “Housewives of Internet Marketers” to see how having your spouse or partner “on your side” can help you succeed much faster.

Now …seeing my partners hanging out with the industry’s top income earners in the Miami mastermind suite, I’d say that going my own way and not allowing the “crabs” to influence my decisions was by far the right choice to make.

If you ever felt that others around you  (or even you)  have had the “crab mentality” and you are not experiencing the success in life that you deserve…

keys to success - Doug Zimmer Let me ask you…

Isn’t it time for you to claw your way out of the pot…

to release yourself from the limiting beliefs of others that will surely keep you from your dreams?

Isn’t it time to start setting into motion the decisions that will shape your destiny?

If you haven’t looked at the new Empower Network yet, yesterday is the best time …but today is fine, too!  😉 

Release your inner tiger and

Get Started Here.

To your success,



P.S.   It’s funny …now that I’ve made it out of the pot, the same crabs that were trying to pull me down are asking for instructions on how to get out themselves.

Right now, you have the opportunity to join us and pick up all of the same marketing strategies that enabled my partners and me to earn $650,000 in the last 18 months …and over $150,000 in the last 3 months alone.

Join here. 

Note:   We in no way guarantee any income as your Income entirely depends on your efforts.  All examples of income are proof of what it possible, and there is actual documentation to back up every claim.

We post our average income on our income disclosure document to provide you with full disclosure because we believe in empowering you to make great choices and live an amazing life.

Because you deserve it!

So let’s make it happen…

Get Started Here