Financial Freedom: Spending The 4th of July Weekend At Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort For The 2013 US Open ISKA World Karate Championship Is My Way Of Celebrating Financial Independence …What’s Yours?

July 2, 2013 at 9:59 AM

Good morning.   

In today’s post, I have another financial freedom tip for you that I learned at the Orlando Millionaire Mind Intensive. 

But, first, I wanted to wish you an early Happy 4th of July!! 

Do you have any BIG plans for the 4th of July weekend?   

Are you traveling anywhere …or is everyone coming to see you? 

As for me, I will be heading over to the Disney Coronado Springs Resort in Orlando, Florida for the 2013 US Open ISKA World Karate Championship. 

That’s one of the great things about having financial freedom   –   being able to take off for a few days and doing something that you really enjoy.

What could be better than taking off for a 3-day weekend to celebrate the 4th of July

…and spending quality time with friends and family.

The US Open is considered to be the largest open martial arts tournament in the world and is recognized nationally as one of the premiere events in sport karate.

It’s also one of the most popular North American Sport Karate Association (NASKA) martial arts tournaments in the country.

Today, I received my confirmation email …along with some reminders and helpful tips on how to get the most out of the weekend:

us open martial arts tournament coronado springs resort  * Triple check before you leave home that you have packed all of your printed Competition Materials (Event Tickets) and your Night of Champions Reserved Seat Tickets.     check

* When you arrive at the Coronado Springs Resort Convention Center and visit with our staff to pick up your event wristbands, we will have them sorted by Purchaser’s Name.     ok

* Please remember that you’ll need a Picture ID in order for us to release your wristbands.     check

* We also advise that you bring a copy of your Order Confirmation Page.     packed

* Once you’ve arrived don’t forget to pick up a US Open Souvenir Program which will include the entire event schedule and all of the ring assignments for each competition event.       On my list

* And most important – don’t forget to fully enjoy your total US Open Disney Experience!     No problem there …I definitely will!

I can’t wait for Friday …this is going to be fun! 

Now keep in mind, I’m not telling you about this trip to impress you.

I’m doing it to impress upon you what is possible when you have financial freedom.

In my blog posts, I not only want to show you the steps to financial success …but also to let you see what the results can mean to your life.

Going away for a weekend to do something that you really enjoy is a great example of what you can do when you’re financially free.

That’s the idea behind wanting financial independence …

to be able to do whatever you want

…whenever you want 

…with whoever you want.

That’s when you’re living the life of your dreams.


Good …back to today’s lesson on how to be successful.

Millionaire Mind Intensive Success Training Tip

During a training exercise at the Orlando Millionaire Mind Intensive, we were taught how to become more successful in any area of our lives.

One of the keys to success is to become aware of the success that you already have in your life …and to build upon it.

You can have more success in life by following 3 simple steps. 

In the first step of the exercise, we were shown that all of us are actually more successful than we realize.

You have more success in your life than you realize.

The next step is for you to acknowledge your success as it happens …to become more aware of the fact that you just did something successfully.

The final step to having more success in your life is to celebrate your success on a daily basis.

T. Harv Eker believes that

“the more success you feel in your life, the more success you will have to feel”

Now, this may sound like a play on words but it is based on the concept of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction states that you will get more of what you put your thoughts, focus, and energy on. 

In this example, it means that success breeds success.

If you want to feel more successful in life, make sure to celebrate your successes …and enjoy the feeling of being successful.

With the 4th of July coming up, I believe that you have a great opportunity to go out and celebrate your success.

Here’s a chance for you to be with family and friends …having a good time …with a lot of celebration going on. 

It may sound corny, but imagine that all of the fireworks you see on the 4th of July are going off to celebrate your decision to be financially independent. 

Go ahead …no one will know why you are smiling so much 

Great feeling …isn’t it? 

Imagine every day being that much fun. 

Life is to be enjoyed.

Being financially free will give you a lot more opportunities to go out and enjoy your life.

You will have the ability to do whatever you want.

For me, that means a 4th of July weekend spent at a beautiful resort on Disney property watching the best martial artists in the world.

It’s rough …but someone’s got to do it.   😉

Ask yourself how you will celebrate your financial independence

What will you do?

Where will you go?

Think about it.

Get a clear vision. 

Then go enjoy your 4th of July!

Talk with you Monday,



P.S.    Here’s an example of what’s waiting for me at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort…

2013 US Open ISKA World Martial Arts Championship