Law Of Attraction Tips: Learn How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Financial Freedom. Discover The Keys To Financial Success That Will Provide You With Financial Freedom Part 1

February 7, 2013 at 10:52 AM

Today’s post continues our look at how to become successful in life using the Law of Attraction. 

In my previous posts, I shared with you several law of attractions tips to help you have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction, while also showing you

how to take action

and get the success that you deserve. 

Today, we are going to talk about one of the biggest …if not the biggest …reasons that people turn to the Law of Attraction for help …

law of attraction financial freedomto get out of debt.

To achieve financial success,

financial freedom 

financial independence,



Whatever you may call it; people want to know the secret law of attraction for increased wealth.

Law of Attraction, Money, Financial Freedom, and Wealth

One area of life that many people would like help with is their finances

It seems that a lot of people these days have the problem

“too much week …too little money”

For them, it’s always the same.

At the end of every week, there never seems to be enough money to meet the bills

…let alone going out and enjoying life.

I want to let you know that it doesn’t have to be this way.

Life was not meant to be spent stressing over bills.

There is a way out!

By mastering the Law of Attraction, you can turn this situation around and attract as much wealth into your life as you desire.

Law of Attraction Money Tips

The first thing you need to understand is the importance of operating from a mindset of abundance.

A belief in abundance suggests that there is more than enough of all good things in the world for everyone

…including you.

This is a very powerful belief because most people operate from a mindset of scarcity.

Remember how I said above that “for them, it’s always the same”?

Well, that’s actually the root of their problem …that they believe that it’s always going to be the same …that this week will be just like last week.

And, they are reinforcing their belief by not only saying this to themselves but also to others …out loud …with emotion!

They believe that there is a limited amount of resources (money) in the world …that must be competed for.

That there are “winners” and there are “losers”.

Since they have no money, which of the two do you think they believe they are?

And, according to the law of attraction …what they believe they make real

…so for these people life is one of scarcity and not having enough.

Law of Attraction Tips – Abundance

As I mentioned above, operating from a mindset of abundance is one of the most important keys to financial success …to your financial freedom.

The first step to attracting abundance into your life is to notice how much of it already exists.

Now, you would think that this would be an easy thing to do

…to realize how much abundance you already have.

But, one of the problems is how people think about abundance …about what it actually is.

Most people tend to equate the abundance in their life with the paycheck they receive at the end of the week.

However this is only one source of abundance.

The other problem with focusing on a paycheck is that it creates a limiting belief that equates money to time worked …that you are trading hours for dollars.

Financial freedom, wealth, and abundance can come from many different sources.

At the end of each day make a list of the abundance that has occurred that day.   For example, your list might include:

– Free tickets to a movie

– A friend offering to cook you dinner

– Someone lending you a book

– Your co-worker driving you to the office

As you look at your list, you need to realize that all of these things have real material value.

In any other circumstances, you would have had to spend your money to purchase the goods and services that were provided to you for free. 

Unfortunately, we tend to undervalue the things that we don’t have to pay for.

By making a note of this abundance we can attract more of it into our life.

law of attraction quotes:   “Life is meant to be abundant in ALL areas…”

To learn more about the Law of Attraction and its true potential to help you achieve financial freedom, click HERE.

To your financial freedom,
