Millionaire Mind Intensive Training: Keys To Success – To Truly Become Successful In Life And Have Financial Freedom, You Need To Be Able To Take Action In Spite Of Your Fears

June 10, 2013 at 1:43 PM

“Rich and successful people act in spite of their fears.”   –    T. Harv Eker         

As T. Harv Eker reveals in his best-selling book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”, fear can be one of the biggest obstacles in life that holds you back from wealth, success, and happiness. 

Much like a parent who worries too much, fear is actually there to protect you. 

Fear teaches you to stay safe by focusing on the negative aspects of your actions and preventing you from taking risks. 

Obviously, there are some risks that should be avoided. 

But, when it comes to wealth and success, you need to learn how to act in spite of your fears. 

This is the only way that you are going to learn how to trust your instincts.

Having the courage to take action in spite of fear is how the wealthy achieve their goals.

Because of their beliefs, there is literally no fear stopping them.

In today’s post, I would like to share with you a very interesting thing that I experienced at the Orlando Millionaire Mind Intensive this past weekend.

Learning How To Act In Spite Of Fear

t harv eker millionaire mind intensive

“Orlando, Florida Millionaire Mind Intensive”

One of the reasons that the Millionaire Mind Intensive program is so successful in rewiring your brain for success is the actual exercises you get to participate in.

The weekend is composed of multiple training sessions on how to become successful in life, immediately followed by activities that help you to understand the information on a deeper level.

You have the opportunity to put the training into action …to test your beliefs …both verbally and physically.

After one of the training sessions dealing with belief and self-confidence, we were asked to form groups of ten to do an exercise that would test our ability to act in spite of fear.

Before I tell you about the exercise, we have to ask the question

What is fear?

A lot of self-help books and trainers will refer to fear as being “false events appearing real”.

Harv Eker considers this to just be an acronym for F. E. A. R.

For him, the true definition of fear is the anticipation of pain.

In the training session we had just finished,  “It’s not the size of your muscles …it’s the size of your heart”,  we were taught that our true strength was in our desires.

If your desire for success is strong enough, then nothing can stop you

…not even fear.

Eker believes that many people are not successful because, just as they are about to achieve their success, they began to feel doubt and fear …and they hesitate.

This hesitation allows their subconscious mind to begin writing the “drama” of what could go wrong.

In many cases, this drama is so scary that the people will completely stop what they were doing

…to avoid the pain that they may feel if they keep going.

Without giving away the details*  of the exercise itself, I want to share with you how we were taught to act in spite of fear …and what happened in our group.

First, I would have to say that the particular exercise chosen for this training was perfect.

If you were looking for something that would truly test someone’s level of self-confidence, this would be it.

The actual exercise looked scary …and dangerous.

It’s something that I would say 99.999% of people have never tried …and wouldn’t do just to “try it”.

The actual feeling in the room was that it was something that no sane person would ever do …unless they really really had to.     😉

It was obvious to everyone that we were going to feel very uncomfortable

…and that there was the real possibility of feeling pain if we did it wrong.

A perfect way to put into practice what we had been learning!

Here’s what happened:

While we were in our groups of ten, the exercise was described on stage by our trainer. 

Then, it was explained in great detail how to successfully do it.

Our trainer gave us tips, advice, and insights on how to succeed with the exercise.

Next, he walked through the exercise several times …repeating his personal tips and advice.

Then, he actually did the exercise.

He made it look very easy and, at this point, I would have to say that everyone’s confidence levels were high.

With all of the advice and tips we had been given, I’m sure everybody expected that every person would just simply do it and we would move on to the next session

…but that’s not what happened with our ten people  (and others in the room).

Our first “volunteer” to go was a man in his early 40’s.   He stepped up, prepared himself, and did the exercise with no problem at all.

I went second and, even though I succeeded on my first attempt, it was an “interesting” experience. 

I have to admit that even with all of my background, training, and success I’ve had in my life, there was a split second of doubt …where the thought suddenly appeared in my mind that there was a chance I wouldn’t be able to do it.

I quickly realized that I was the only one who knew that I had doubted myself because our third person, an older woman, made the comment, “you two make it look so easy …it’s my turn” …and, then, succeeded with a big smile on her face.

You can only imagine that, at this point, everyone had to believe that they could do it.

So, it was very surprising when our fourth person, a big muscular guy, backed off on his first attempt

…then backed off on his second attempt

…then “forced” his way through on his third attempt.

As he stood there …massaging where he had felt pain …there was now a different feeling in the group as the remaining six people all looked at each other

…silently waiting for someone else to go.

Within our group was a family …a father, a mother, and a teenage daughter (who had just been accepted to college).

After a long period of silence, the father stepped forward …looked at his wife and daughter …got into position and easily succeeded on his first attempt.

His daughter went next …and made it look extremely easy.

Next to go was the mother, who had been the most nervous member of the group.  She stepped up …said she was ready …and shocked herself with how easily she succeeded.

Our group’s confidence level and excitement was back!

Up next …another big muscular guy (younger than the first) who got into position …nodded that he was ready …began his first step and immediately stopped!?

He looked at us and asked how long the pain would last.

We told him that the pain was only there at the beginning …and the moment you started to move through the exercise, it would go away.

He got back into position …and immediately stopped again.

He ended up backing away 3 more times before finally “going for it”.


Our last two members were women in their 30’s, who both succeeded on their first attempts …with no problems or hesitation.

At this point, as a group, we all celebrated our successes.

The confidence on the daughter’s face was amazing.

Success was radiating from her eyes.

It was great!

And, for her parents, what could be more rewarding than to see live how successful their child had grown up to be?

This was definitely a fascinating experience.

The exercise was one of those things that you are able to do …but, at the same time, can understand how others may not be able to do it.

Many successful people have fear, along with doubts and worries.

The difference is that those who know how to succeed also know how to take action despite these worries and fears.

You too can learn how to master fear, by understanding that fear is in our own minds, and therefore under our own control.

When you take away the fear of failure, you will have a clear path on how you can succeed.

This is how to become a millionaire in your thinking  –  by acting without letting fear control your moves.

By taking back ownership of your mind.

Now, you can learn how to take the first steps in acting despite your fears.

To paraphrase the title of the session …

It’s not the size of your muscles.

It’s the size of your desires

…what’s in your heart

your inner tiger.

Let it out!

self-improvement tips release your inner tiger

“release your inner tiger!”

And take your success to a whole new level! 

GO HERE  >>>

to learn more about the Millionaire Mind Intensive.

Find one near you …and get registered.


Your success is waiting for you.



P. S.  If you are not able to attend a Millionaire Mind Intensive within the next few months …or would like to prepare your mind for the lessons you are going to learn at the one you’ve registered for …take a look at how to use law of attraction tips for your financial freedom.

Also, for the parents out there …if you would like to help your child get an early start on learning how to be successful in life, check out my post HERE.


*In order to create an environment where we felt “safe” and could share our true feelings and thoughts, an agreement was made during the opening session by everyone in attendance that ”whatever we may hear in the room or see happen in the room, stays in the room”.   So, in my posts, I will not mention any names and the actual exercises will not be described so that you can experience them yourself.