Self-Improvement Tips: Brian Tracy’s “21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires” Part 3

January 7, 2013 at 10:52 PM

Hello …and Welcome Back!

As part of a series of blog posts on having more success in life, I’m sharing with you some of my favorite self-improvement tips from the top personal success speakers in the world.

In today’s post, we are going to look at the next 2 keys to success found in Brian Tracy’s “21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires.

Brian Tracy Quotes and Self-Improvement TipsTracy’s book is based upon the 21 secrets of success that he discovered were used by all self-made millionaires to achieve their financial independence …and his belief that it is possible for us to learn these secrets through practice and repetition.

He also believes that, when you think the thoughts and do the things that self-made millionaires do, you will begin to get the same results and benefits they do …such as good health, happiness and great success in life.

In my last post, we learned that having a Clear Sense of Direction empowers you to take your dreams out of the air and crystallize them into clear, specific written goals …along with how to make plans to turn your dreams into reality.

Tracy then explained how seeing yourself as being self-employed helps to develop the entrepreneur mentality …the mentality of a highly independent, self-responsible, and self-starting individual that takes action and creates the results leading to having more success in life.

Today, we will be learning about the next 2 Success Secrets, which are do what you love to do and commit to excellence.

Brian Tracy’s Success Secret # 4 of Self-Made Millionaires

The fourth success secret of self-made millionaires is to Do What You Love To Do.

This is one of the great secrets of financial success.

It’s also one of your primary responsibilities in life.

You need to find out what you really enjoy doing …what you have a natural talent for …and then throw your whole heart into doing it the best that you can.

So many people get caught up “chasing the dream” that they never ask themselves these CRUCIAL questions:

Do I love what I’m doing enough to commit the next 2, 5, 10 or more years to it?

Is this something that I can get passionate about …even if I don’t see immediate results?

Am I doing it just for the money …or do I really LOVE it?

Most people would be shocked to discover that those with so-called “good jobs” …the ones that seem like they’ve arrived and are doing well …are actually miserable.

They hate what they do.

Or, at the very least, tolerate it because they “need” the paycheck.

I’m talking about doctors, attorneys, and accountants –  people who spent YEARS of their lives going to school and taking exams …not to mention the MONEY it cost them for their education.

Then, after putting 10 – 15 years into it, they realize it’s NOT what they want to do.

Now …I’m not saying all of them are like that …but there are a lot of unhappy “professionals” in the world.

Brian Tracy discovered that the self-made millionaires he interviewed had all found careers and businesses where their natural strengths and abilities were exactly what was required to do the job and achieve the desired results.

Most self-made millionaires say that they “never worked a day in their life.”

You must find a field in which you can be totally absorbed –  a job or area of endeavor that completely fascinates you …that holds your attention …and is a natural expression of your special talents and abilities.

If one of your goals is financial independence, finding your “true calling” is very important.


Because if you’re not passionate about what you are doing, you simply won’t spend the required time “burning the midnight oil” to get the success in life that you’re looking for.

You also will find it difficult to handle any challenges thrown your way.

When you are doing what you love to do, you seem to have a continuous flow of excitement, energy, and ideas to do what you do even better.

Here is a question for you:

“If you won a million dollars, tax free …tomorrow …would you continue to do what you are currently doing?”

This is a great question.

It simply asks you to think about what you would do if you had all the time and money you needed …and you were free to choose how you spent your days.

Self-made millionaires answered that, if they won a million dollars cash, they would continue doing what they were already doing.

Their only change: they would do it differently …or better …or at a higher level.

But they love their “work” so much that they wouldn’t even think of leaving it or retiring.

Self-improvement tip:   Find out what it is that you really love doing …what completely fascinates you …is an expression of your natural talents and abilities …and, then, “go for it!”

Brian Tracy’s Success Secret # 5 of Self-Made Millionaires

The fifth success secret of self-made millionaires is:  Commit To Excellence.

Resolve today to be the very best at what you do.

Set a goal for yourself to join the top 10% of your field, whatever it is.

Don’t be a slacker. 

There are plenty of them out there.

People just going through the motions …or not even moving at all.

You see them everywhere. 

Some may even call them “wussies”    😉

If you’re not going to give it your all …to do your best …then don’t do it. 

Go do something else.

There are no successful people who are not recognized as being extremely skilled in their chosen fields.

A key to success is learning the skills needed to make it to the top.

Remember, no one is better than you and no one is smarter than you. 

And everyone who is in the top 10% today started off in the bottom 10%.

Everyone who is doing well now was once doing poorly.

Everyone who is at the top of their field was at one time in another field altogether. 

And what someone else has done, you can do as well!

Here is a great rule for success:

“Your life only gets better when you get better.”

And, since there is no limit to how much better you can become, there is no limit to how much better you can make your life.

Your decision to become excellent at what you do …to join the top 10% in your field …will be a turning point in your life.

It is a key to great success.

It is also the foundation of high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride.

When you are really good at what you do, you feel really good about yourself.

And, when you feel really good about yourself, everything in your life …including your relationships with other people …is taken to the next level.

Why settle for mediocrity when you don’t have to.

And here’s something that maybe a hard pill to swallow for some, but T. Harv Eker put it best in his “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind”…

“The way you do anything, is the way you do everything.”

In other words… if you don’t commit to excellence, your decision to be mediocre will show up in ALL areas of your business and personal life.

Commit to being excellent NOW.

Here is an important question to ask yourself: 

“What one skill …if you developed and did it in an excellent fashion …would have the greatest positive impact on your life?”

You cannot become good at everything overnight, but you can identify the one skill that can help you the most …and then throw your whole heart into developing that skill.

Set it as a goal.

Write it down.

Set a deadline.

Make a plan. 

Work on becoming better in that area every single day.

You will be absolutely amazed at the difference this commitment to excellence will make in your life.

Remember that, when you think the thoughts and do the things that self-made millionaires do, you will begin to have more financial success in your life.

Self-improvement tip:  Resolve today to be the very best at what you do and set a goal to be in the top 10%.  Commit to excellence in everything that you do.

In my next post, more of Brian Tracy’s “21 Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires”.

If you’re ready to discover how you can put yourself in the top 10% of income earners …while doing what you love to do …CLICK HERE.


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