Law Of Attraction Tips: Learn How To Use The Law Of Attraction and Its Keys To Success With “Law of Attraction Key Principles” Part 1. Discover Law Of Attraction Tips…

February 3, 2013 at 3:51 PM

Hello …and Welcome Back!  

As part of a series of blog posts on how to become successful in life using the Law of Attraction, I’m sharing with you several law of attractions tips.  

These tips will help you have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction.

How it works …

How you can use it to take action 

…and make a positive change in your life.

Today, we are going to talk about the key principles which underlie the Law of Attraction.

Understanding how these principles work will have a significant impact on how effectively you can apply the law of attraction in your own life.

The Law of Attraction Applies To Everyone

The Law of Attraction applies equally to everyone …whether you believe in it or not.

This is an important item to point out because many people go through life with the misunderstanding that they can choose whether or not to use the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is always in effect.

The only thing you can choose to do is how you direct your own thoughts.

If you want more success in your life, you direct your thoughts in a manner that will give you positive results from the Law of Attraction.

If you don’t believe in the Law of Attraction, then your choice is to let your thoughts go in their own direction.

But, here’s the key.

Whether you decide to control your thoughts or not, the Law of Attraction is always active …and will continue to create your future based upon your “wishes”.

law of attraction quotes and tips

“Your wish is my command.”


The Law of Attraction can be thought of as being like the Law of Gravity.

Physical objects still obeyed the law of gravity even when people were not aware that there was such a law.

People didn’t have to know about …or believe in …the Law of Gravity for it to work.

Things fall to the ground.

It doesn’t matter if people know why or not …things will keep falling to the ground.

The same is true for the Law of Attraction.

Whether you are aware of it or not, it will still influence your life.

People who do not take conscious control of their thoughts will often find themselves “victims” of their own negativity.

Because they are not thinking about their thoughts, or even aware of how powerful their thoughts are, they will attract exactly the opposite of what they would like to.

By being conscious of your thoughts you can cultivate your future and live the life that you desire.

Law of Attraction Tips  –  Ignore the “Don’ts”

A big problem for many people is that they spend a lot of time on what they don’t want.

They don’t want to be broke

They don’t want to be fat

They don’t want to be lonely

And so on …

The problem is, that when your mind plays back these messages, it drops off the “Don’t” from the sentence.

So what you really are attracting is:

I want to be broke

I want to be fat

I want to be lonely

It’s not surprising then that so many people are not getting the results that they want from life.

When you are consciously creating your future, it is important to frame your desires in terms of what you do want …rather than what you don’t want.

Whatever you place your attention on is what you are going to get more of.

If your attention is on not having enough then you will get more of that.

If you place your attention on how overweight you are then you are going to find yourself gaining even more weight.

You need to shift you focus and place your attention on what it is that you do want.

For example you do want to be healthy, you do want to be rich, and you do want a loving relationship.

Most people, if left to their own devices, will allow their minds to focus on the difficulties in their life rather than the positive things they want to attract.

Here’s a tip for you if you want to attract more wealth into your life.

Make sure that your focus is not on paying bills.

As soon as you get your bills, pay them, and place them out of sight.

What you want to avoid at all costs is seeing a pile of bills …sitting …waiting to be paid.

Instead, you want to make sure that you see money around your house as much as possible.

Start multiple coin jars around your house.   Throw in some notes as well.

Make sure that money is seen to be in abundance around you.

The key here is that you are shifting your focus so that it is on the wealth that you have not the lack.

law of attraction quotes:    “You attract your dominant thoughts”

To learn more about the Law of Attraction and its true potential to show you how to become successful in life, click HERE.



To your success,
