Law Of Attraction Tips: Learn How To Use The Law Of Attraction and Its Keys To Success With “Law of Attraction Key Principles” Part 2. Discover Law Of Attraction Tips…

February 5, 2013 at 10:31 PM

Hello …and Welcome Back!  

As part of a series of blog posts on how to become successful in life using the Law of Attraction, I’m sharing with you several law of attractions tips.  

These tips will help you have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction.

How it works …

how you can use it to take action to make positive changes in your life ….

and get the success that you deserve.

Today, we are going to talk about two key principles involved in the Law of Attraction.

Your understanding of how these principles work will enable you to more effectively apply the Law of Attraction in your own life.

Law of Attraction  –  The Universe Will Always Fill a Vacuum

One of the key reasons that people seem to be unable to get what they want is because they have left no space for their desires.

When the universe sees a vacuum, it will seek to fill it.

However, if the universe sees that a space is already filled, it will move on to someone else who seems to need it more.

A common example is when someone openly says that they want something new …and yet they continue to hang onto the old.

Until a vacuum is created for the universe to fill with something new, you will always need to make do with the old.

For example, if you are fed up with driving the same broken down old car, it’s time to give it away.

Until you remove the old car from your life you will find that nothing will change.

It’s not until you “know” that you truly need a car  (because the one you have is going away)  that the universe will provide you with a new one.

What’s that expression?

“Out with the old …in with the new”

The problem is that most people operate from the belief that a new car would be unaffordable …so they hang onto an old car that may be costing them a fortune in upkeep and repairs.

According to the Law of Attraction, if you really want to have something new in your life, you need to start by making space for it

…so that the universe can fill the void with what you want.

Don’t question how something will happen

…just trust that it will and allow it to occur.

The Role of Gratitude in the Law of Attraction

law of attraction quotes and tips

“I’m grateful for the beautiful day I had”

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools that you have when using the Law of Attraction.

Remember, we attract into our lives what we put our attention towards.

When we are actively noting the abundance that exists in our lives, it’s only natural that we would attract more of this abundance.

We all have things in life that we can be grateful for  –  it’s simply a matter of noticing them.

One of the best ways to do this is with what is called a gratitude journal.

Make it a daily habit to record in your gratitude journal at least one thing about the day that you are grateful for.

It can be something big like receiving a present …or it can be something small like going for a pleasant walk.

The key is to find at least one thing that you can be grateful for.

Most of the time, you will find that there are multiple things that you can show gratitude for in your life.

Finding this will help to promote the feelings of abundance.

Another key to success is, as you are writing your journal entry, to say the words out loud to yourself.

For example, “I am grateful for my good health and the run that I went for this morning.”

Expressing gratitude will create strong vibrations of joy.

This is in turn will attract further joy into your life.

It will also move your mind away from the negative things in your life.

And, by moving your attention away from negative things, you will stop yourself from accidentally attracting any further negativity.

law of attraction quotes:

“Thoughts that bring about good feelings mean you are on the right track.  Thoughts that bring about bad feelings mean you are not on the right track.”

To learn more about the Law of Attraction and its true potential to show you how to become successful in life, click HERE.


To your success,
