Setting And Achieving Goals: Watch Today’s Training Video From Empower Network President, David Wood, On “The Art Of Getting What You Want”

November 22, 2013 at 9:16 AM

Welcome back to David Wood’s new training series on how to be successful in life

In today’s lesson, Dave talks about designing your life through goal setting and shares his personal 

6 Step Formula To Setting Goals

 Empower Network

The 6-Step Formula To Setting Goals:

1.  Set an intention (outcome)  –  you need to have a clear vision of where you are going and what you want your business to look like

2.  Make sure that your goals are written in a way that is so crystal clear that even a 5-year-old child could understand what they are

3.  Make a list of every resource that is available to you now that can help you to reach your goals

4.  Make a list of everything that you don’t have available yet that would drastically increase your chances of success if you did have

5.  Construct a META strategy  (the big picture parts)  for your business to get you where you want to go

6.  Develop the micro strategies  (small actionable steps )  that will lead to accomplishing your META strategy


Remember, it all starts with setting an intention and making a decision.

Set the intention to be successful …to be financially free and enjoy your life.

Make the decision to get started.

>>   to watch the video and learn how you can have more success with your affiliate marketing programs, click on the image above or go HERE.

Talk soon.



P. S.   In the next lesson, David Wood will be sharing his personal formula for constructing your dream lifestyle.  See you there.