Raising Successful Children: Law of Attraction and Goal Setting For Kids Together At Last! New Program Helps You With Raising Successful Children by Combining Law of Attraction Tips and Goal Setting for Kids

May 5, 2013 at 11:09 AM

Hey everyone.

A few days ago, I learned about a new raising successful children program that combines the law of attraction and goal setting for kids into one easy to follow system. 

Every now and then something comes along that is creative, high-quality, and truly unique.

This is one of those occasions.

After going through the material, I’d like to share this program with all of you out there responsible for raising happy successful children.

I’m happy to tell you about some new and awesome downloadable books on goal setting for kids and visualization.

These books are designed to help you with your goal of raising successful children.

Imagine how your child’s future would be if you could give them

…while they’re still young

…all the tools they need to achieve their goals

and fulfill their dreams.

Wouldn’t that feel fantastic to you as a parent?

Maybe you’d like to teach your children these skills, but aren’t sure how to do it.

Winsome Coutts over at 4lifehappykids.com  has brought together a team of mothers, grandmothers, schoolteachers, curriculum writers, and experts in self-help, visualization and goal setting to create a set of beautifully illustrated, downloadable books that will teach your child the secrets they need to know to fulfill their dreams and be happy and successful all their lives.

Think about this:

Kids learn when they’re having fun. 

Kids are not even aware that they are learning when they’re enjoying themselves  –  they’re having too much fun.

You can teach your children how to be successful when you have the tools and a plan.

You can encourage your kids to create their own goals …and NOT impose your ideas on them.

Happy children with high self-esteem and confidence look to the future with intention and clarity.

Winsome’s program includes two downloadable, colorful books  –  one for smaller children and one for older kids  –  as well as a downloadable, detailed parents’ guide.

Your child can learn the techniques of self-actualization that have inspired the wisest and most successful people throughout the centuries.

Find out more about these unique e-books here:   Raising Successful Children

Goal setting for kids …haven’t we just been waiting for a program like this?

Go check it out!

goal setting for kids

“is it play time now?”

Remember this is “Enjoy Your Kids” month.

Have fun with your children…

and help prepare them for their successful future.

Take care,
