Self-Improvement Tips: Brian Tracy’s “21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires” Part 2

January 5, 2013 at 12:06 AM

Hello …and Welcome Back!

In today’s post, we are going to look at the next 2 keys to success found in Brian Tracy’s “21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires”.

Brian Tracy Quotes and Self-Improvement Tips

As part of a series of blog posts on having more success in life, I am sharing with you some of my favorite self-improvement tips from the top personal success speakers in the world.

In my last post, I introduced you to Brian Tracy and his book “21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires”.

We learned about his discovery that there are 21 secrets of success used by self-made millionaires …and his belief that it is possible for us to learn these success secrets through practice and repetition.

He also believes that, when you think the thoughts and do the things that self-made millionaires do, you will begin to get the same results and benefits they do …such as good health, happiness and great success in life.

Tracy showed us how the first success secret, DREAMING BIG DREAMS, is the key to your inspiration as it will give you that “deep burning desire” to do the things you need to do to make it happen.

Today, we will be learning about Success Secrets # 2 and 3 of Self-Made Millionaires, which are Develop A Clear Sense of Direction and See Yourself As Self-Employed.

Brian Tracy’s Success Secret # 2 of Self-Made Millionaires

The second success secret of self-made millionaires is to Develop a Clear Sense of Direction

Having BIG DREAMS is important but, without clearly identified targets or goals, they’re simply wishes.

Napoleon Hill wrote in his book “Think and Grow Rich” that all the successful people he studied had what he called Definiteness of Purpose.

They knew exactly what they wanted …and had definite plans for carrying out their desires.

This Clear Sense of Direction is what will turn your Dreams into Goals.

“Goals to your life are like the steering wheel to a car”

Having a Clear Sense of Direction empowers you to take your dreams out of the air and crystallize them into clear, specific written goals.

Here is an exercise for you.

Take a sheet of paper and write the word “Goals” at the top with today’s date.

Then, make a list of 10 goals that you would like to achieve over the next 12 months.

Write your goals in the present tense, as though a year has passed and you have already achieved them. 

Begin each goal with the word “I” to make it personal to you.

Having written goals is a key to success.

Did you know that, just by making this list of 10 goals for yourself for the next year, you will have moved yourself into the top 3% of adults in our society?

The sad fact is that 97% of adults have never made a list of goals in their entire lives. 

Don’t let that happen to you.

Make your list.

It’s easy to do.

I’m asking you to do it …today!

NOW would be the best time …but today is okay too.     😉

Once you have your list of 10 goals, go back and look over it as you ask yourself this key question:

“Which one goal on this list …if I were to achieve it …would have the greatest positive impact on my life?”

Whatever your answer is to that question, circle that goal and make it your number one, most important goal for the future.

Set a deadline, make a plan, take action on your plan …and do something every day that moves you toward your goal.

From now on, think and talk about that goal all the time.

Think and talk about how you can achieve that goal. 

Think and talk about all the different things that you can do to make that goal a reality.

This exercise will stimulate your creativity, increase your energy, and unlock your potential.

Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is that

“You become what you think about most of the time”

The two factors that determine what happens to you in life …more than anything else …are what you think about and how you think about it.

Successful people think about their goals most of the time.

As a result, they are continually moving toward their goals and their goals are moving toward them.

“Whatever you think about most of the time grows and increases in your life“

If you are thinking and talking and visualizing your goals, you tend to accomplish far, far more than the average person who is usually thinking and talking about their worries and problems most of the time.

Self-improvement tip:   Now’s the time to commit your goals to paper, think about them, and make plans to turn them into reality!

Brian Tracy’s Success Secret # 3 of Self-Made Millionaires 

The third success secret of self-made millionaires is to See Yourself As Self-Employed

Although this particular principle applies more to people who work for others, it’s important to note that MOST people who jump into our business with the desire to “be their own boss”… 

continue to have the “employee” mindset.

They’re used to being told what to do, when to do it, etc…

Seeing yourself as self-employed, or as an entrepreneur, requires a totally different mindset from the one most people have …which is why most people are NOT entrepreneurs.

Being self-employed means that you accept complete, 100% responsibility for everything you are and everything you will ever be.

Refuse to make excuses or to blame other people for your problems or short comings.

Stop complaining about things in your life that you are not happy about.

Refuse to criticize other people for anything. .

If there’s something in your life that you don’t like, it’s up to you to do something about it.

You are responsible for your level of success in life.

Years ago, someone gave me a very powerful key to success – a easy to remember phrase that was 10 words long …but only had a total of 20 letters.

“If It Is To Be, It Is Up To Me”

The top 3% of Americans see themselves as self-employed, no matter who signs their paycheck.

The biggest mistake you can ever make is to think that you work for anyone other than yourself.

You are always self-employed.

You are always the president of your own personal services corporation, no matter where you might be working at the moment.

When you see yourself as self-employed, you develop the entrepreneur mentality …the mentality of the highly independent, self-responsible, self-starting individual. 

Instead of waiting for things to happen, you make things happen.

You see yourself as the boss of your own life.

You see yourself as completely in charge of your physical health, your financial well-being, your career, your relationships, your house, your home, your car, and every element of your existence.

This is the mindset of the truly successful person.

Self-responsible people are intensely result oriented.

What that means is being “results” driven, instead of “activity driven.”   Just because you “put the time in” doesn’t guarantee you will get results.

You need to focus on activities that produce results and be driven by the “outcome” of your activities …not by the mere fact that you may be staring at your computer screen 10 hours a day without getting any “REAL” work done.

With your business  (internet marketing and making money online), Getting TrafficTurning traffic into Leads …and Converting your leads into Sales …are the only things that are considered “results” driven work.

Everything else is “busy” work that needs to be done, but doesn’t pay you until you do the above.

A store owner doesn’t get paid for arranging his products neatly on the shelves.

He needs to get “foot traffic” into his store and, then, sell something …or he won’t be in business for very long.

There are a lot of people in our industry who like to “rearrange the shelves” and think that they’re working.

Don’t be like them.

Go out and actually get something done.

Here’s a question: “If you were president for a day in your company, or were completely responsible for the results where you work, what one change would you enact immediately?”

Whatever it is, write it down, make a plan and begin on it today.

This alone could change your life.

Self-improvement tip:   You are 100% responsible for your actions.  Take action now to create the results that will lead to having more success in your life. 

Remember, you can do it!

In my next post, more of Brian Tracy’s “21 Secrets Of Self-Made Millionaires”.

If you’re ready to develop your Clear Sense of Direction and actually become self-employed, CLICK HERE. Get Success In Life

 Discover the Success Secret EVERY Top 1% Earner Uses to Become a Millionaire and How You Can Too …Starting Right Now!!